Why clothes?

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As previously mentioned, I have been fascinated by people and how they dress for a long time.

For the story, my grandfather from Vietnam got recruited by the French army during the second world war. He spent months on a ship from Vietnam to France taking care of the soldiers’ uniforms. Following his arrival in France, he never got back home and started a small tailoring shop in Paris.

I don’t think that I always aspired to make clothes my career, it’s a passion for sure but I enjoy clothes as a form of expression. Like most people my age I am sensitive to trends but I do not consider myself to be a fashion freak.

My initial goal in life was in advertising and digital branding.

When creating an impact became my priority in life, I looked back at my career and had to accept that my expertise still lied in clothing and that I would probably contribute more in that field than others.

There’s a lot of things that I would like to learn, roles I would like to have but today it’s not about me anymore, we’re running out of time and it’s our responsibility to use our knowledge and expertise to drive change asap.

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